After-effects of the pandemic years – Conversation with Daan van Kampenhout

(Gespräch in Englisch)

Daan van Kampenhout is a well-known workshop leader, author and shamanic practitioner. He has learned from traditional teachers of various shamanic cultures. After his encounter with Bert Hellinger and his fascination with both shamanic ritual and family constellations, he developed „Systemic Ritual“ which combines elements from both in a new, unique method. It has proven powerful and beneficial especially for groups in which people and / or their ancestors share collective trauma and the experience of challenging times.

In our conversation we talk about the after-effects of the Corona pandemic, one of the most recent collective experience of challenging times. Even though there is a certain „back to normal“ in daily life it is not really over. We are all still more or less affected, both individually and collectively.

Daan shares his personal view and experience as well as ideas on what might be helpful to be able to process what has happened. He invites us to take small steps as some things really take time. Daan finds peaceful and unifying words on a topic that has been very turbulent in recent years and discussions. It is an invitation for those who feel open for it to find new ways of communicating and especially listening to each other when we talk about how the years of the pandemic have affected and changed us and the world we live in today.

Daan’s website with further seminars and trainings can be found here.

Books written by Daan:
Images of the soul: The workings of the soul in Shamanic Ritual and Family Constellations
Die Tränen der Ahnen: Opfer und Täter in der kollektiven Seele The
Four Directions

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